Canine Genetcis
Genetic diseases are among the most serious hazards and most difficult challenges dog breeders face today. That's why canine genetics and information cannot be overlooked in the production of a quality litter. While many dog breeders admit they often rely on intuition alone to produce a successful litter, it is important, as a breeder, to understand the underlying motives that influence these decisions. Is one ready to open the gene pool to unwanted conditions in the pursuit of physical perfection ? How to compromise between breeding to the Standard and producing healthy animals, and ultimately better the breed ? A succesful breeder needs to understand how to apply genetic principles to his breeding program and refine the selection process by improving his eye for type.

Understanding the modes of inheritance, knowing how to conduct and analyze test matings and how to lower the chances of producing affected animals are the prerequisites to producing healthy, functional and beautiful puppies. The following books are intended to help dog breeders everywhere avoid the pitfalls they are almost destined to encounter.

Control of Canine Genetic Diseases
Control of Canine Genetic Diseases
by George A. Padgett (Author)
Hardcover: 256 p. Publisher: Howell Book House (1998)
Genetic diseases are among the most serious hazards today's dog breeders face. Dr. Padgett provides tools, techniques and tables to allow breeders to analyze their pedigrees and make informed decisions regarding prospective matings in an effort to control disease occurrence. He also outlines steps breed clubs and breeders can take towards using Open Registries as a means of gathering data needed to determine the mode of inheritance for genetic diseases affecting their breed. Tables, diagrams and graphs further enhance the text to facilitate understanding. More information:

Genetics for Dog Breeders
by Roy Robinson Hardcover: 280 pages
Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd ed. (1999)
This new edition provides the findings of one more decade of  investigation into the genetics of dog breeding. Chapters outline basic principles of heredity. Also discusses methods of animal improvement, in addition to color and coat variation, genetics of breeds, and abnormalities. More information
The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs
by Clarence Cook, Little
Hardcover. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc; (1979)
More information

The Genetics of the Dog
by Anatoly Ruvinsky, J. Sampson
Hardcover: 564 p. Publisher: CABI Publishing (2001)
These 19 contributions present up-to-date thinking on all major directions in dog genetics such as the origin of the domestic dog; consequences of domestication; biochemical and molecular genetics; the genetics of canine hip dysplasia, diseases, and behavior; Genetics of coat colour and hair texture; Genetics of quantitative traits and improvement of the dog breeds;pedigree analysis; the canine model in medical genetics; and dog genetic data as forensic evidence.   More information:

Genetics: An introduction for Dog breeders
Genetics: An Introduction for Dog Breeders
by Jackie Isabell
Paperback: 322 p. Publ: Alpine Blue Ribbon Books (2002)
The author explains the science of genetics she has studied and how she has applied it to her own breeding program. Using terminology suitable for non-scientists, she covers the nature of the species, the nature of heredity, the application of genetics to specific breeds,  how to control genetic disorders, and the art of breed selection. More information:

Genetics of the Dog
Genetics of the Dog
by Malcolm B. Willis
Hardcover: 416 pages. Publ: John Wiley & Sons Inc; (1989)
The author shows how heredity affects a wide variety of normal and abnormal physical and behavioral conditions in dogs. Topics include basic genetic principles, polygeneic inheritance, inheritance of many desirable and undesirable features, genetic defects and diseases. Sections on determination of coat color were especially thoroughly done, relying heavily on Little's work, though differing sharply on a couple of points. More information:

The Genetic Connection: A Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs
by Lowell Ackerman. Paperback: 278 p. Pub: Amer Animal Hospital Assn (1999)
For the veterinary practitioner and the serious breeder, The Genetic Connection covers more than 240 genetic disorders, including how they are genetically transmitted in different breeds, how they are best identified, and strategies to help prevent them from occurring in future generations. The book is cross-referenced by both condition and by breed. It includes an in-depth index and a detailed bibliography of supporting articles and texts. An appendix of the major players in canine genetics completes this substantial publication.
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Dog books > Canine Genetics
By Catherine Marien
Bulldog Information 2003-2010 © All rights reserved. 

Books on Canine Genetics
for dog breeders

The Complete Book of Dog Breeding
by Dan Rice 
Covers all the basics of pregnancy, gestation, whelping and potential problems. Contains an area of sire and dam selection (9 pages), recommendations on nutrition, a puppy development section from birth to 8 weeks (12 pages). General, basic information with lots of color pictures and a few illustrations of dog anatomy. Several stories of dog patients Dr. Rice used for examples. Easy writing style and very well indexed.
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Breeding Better Dogs
by Carlo Battaglia
Focuses on the fundamental aspects of producing better dogs. Written, in a clear and easy-to-understand style, for breeders interested in upgrading their stock and producing quality animals. Some of the unique methods which have proven to be of great value are the color charts and stick dog figures that are designed to help breeders plan their future breeding on paper to see what they are likely to produce. The pedigree charts and stick dog illustrations provide an easy method for interpreting the pedigrees of potential dams and sires, and for predicting the qualities in their expected litters.
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Breeding Better Dogs
The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog
(Howell Dog Book of Distinction)
by Ann Seranne, Wendell J. Sammet, Julia Gasow
This book, intended for novice and veteran breeders alike, covers everything from developing a viable breeding program to genetics to whelping, raising, and socializing puppies. The easy-to-understand instructions with pictures and graphics guide you step by step through the entire process of breeding a successful litter, from the moment of conception to a dog's first show. You'll see how to select a method of breeding, evaluate your own breeding stock and the potential of a litter, avoid the pitfalls of whelping, and properly care for the litter until the puppies are ready to go to their new homes (including tube feeding if necessary).
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Hereditary Bone and Joint Diseases in the Dog: Osteochondroses, Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia
by Joe P. Morgan, Alida Wind
Written for the veterinarian, but suitable for the knowledgeable dog owner and breeder. Also discussses the genetic aspects of osteochondroses, elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia as well as the contributing nutritional and enviromental factors.
Stresses the crucial aspects of selection when choosing animals for breeding and the fact that breeding for increased size, increased early growth, along with nutrition and exercise absolutely impacts the development of these bone and joint diseases. You will find the answers to questions that clients routinely ask, plus the information you need to support your answers.
The Natural History of Inbreeding and Outbreeding : Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
by Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill  (Editor)